Darius Haslauer

I'm a


Hello, my name is Darius Haslauer and I live in Carinthia (Austria), most of my friends call me Busche. I am 22 years old and currently working as a system administrator at Unser-Lagerhaus in Klagenfurt. In my freetime I love to play CTFs (Capture the flags) like HackTheBox and to do every different type of sports.

IT enthusiast

Here you can see some of my personal information.

  • Birthday: 13th December 1999
  • Discord: Busche#6161
  • Location: Carinthia
  • Age: 22
  • Degree: Matura (HTL Villach - IT, Network technology)
  • Hobbies: CTFs, Football, Gym


The graph below shows some information about the skills that I have earned during education and in my freetime.

Network Configuration 80%
System Administration 85%
Windows/Unix 80%
Pentests 75%
Network Security 80%
PHP 75%
Python 70%
SQL 80%


Below you can find educational information, as well as my professional experience.


Darius Haslauer

Passionate security enthusiast, developer and system administrator who loves solving CTFs and working on other tech-related projects.

  • Based in Austria, Carinthia
  • 22 years old
  • Sports and IT enthusiast


Elementary school

2006 - 2010

Volksschule St. Andrä

Middle school

2010 - 2014

Peraugymnasium Villach

High school


Höhere Technische Lehranstalt Villach

During my time at the Higher Technical College in Villach, I specialized in the area of network technology. For the final exam, I chose software development, information systems and network technology (cyber security).

Professional Experience

System administrator

March 2021 - Present

Unser-Lagerhaus, Klagenfurt

  • managing and improving the ordering system (mobileRetail)
  • network management (routing, switching, firewalls)
  • IT support (1st and 2nd level)
  • a little bit of red teaming

Cyber Soldier

August 2020 - January 2021

Austrian army, Spittal/Drau

  • General IT-Support
  • VBA development
  • System administration

Diploma Thesis

July 2019 - October 2019

Flex, Althofen

  • Feasibility study: Clientmanagement systems
  • Comparing two different CM systems for a production environment
  • Working on specific problems with the selected CM system.

IT Intern

August 2017 & August 2018

Rexel Austria GmbH, Vienna

  • General IT-Support
  • Python development
  • Creating a RFID based card reader with a Raspberry Pi


In this section you can find writeups of machines that I have rooted on HackTheBox. Writeups will be uploaded weekly.


OpenAdmin is an easy rated HTB machine, which mainly focuses on the exploitation of an outdated OpenNetAdmin application.


Sniper is a medium rated HTB Windows machine, which can be solved by a RFI and the injection of a malicious CHM file.


Book is a medium rated Linux machine, which contains SQL truncation, XSS and the exploitation of an outdated version of logrotate.


Following soon...


In the section below you can find information on how to contact me.


Austria, Carinthia



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